Une plante unique en son genre

Découvre le Yerba Maté (prononcé 'yer-bah mah-tay') – plus qu'une plante, c'est une fusion de santé et de saveur. Célébrée pour ses nutriments riches et son goût unique, cette infusion se distingue.

Des millions de personnes adoptent le yerba maté chaque jour pour améliorer la concentration, la clarté mentale et l'endurance. Au-delà de ses bienfaits pour la santé, le yerba maté est apprécié pour son rôle dans les rassemblements sociaux, symbolisant une expérience partagée et une connexion entre ses passionnés.


La culture du yerba mate remonte à plusieurs siècles lorsque le peuple Guaraní partageait le yerba mate dans la forêt tropicale du Paraná bien avant l'arrivée des Européens. Considérée comme un don des dieux, l'infusion leur donnait force et courage et faisait partie de leurs rituels.

Encore aujourd'hui, yerba maté signifie : amitié, partage, et connexion avec soi et les autres à travers un rituel tout à fait unique qui consiste à partager un maté tout en passant un bon moment.

En Argentine, au Paraguay, en Uruguay et dans le sud du Brésil, le maté est consommé autant sinon plus que le café. Dans ces pays, cette infusion qui favorise le bien-être et la bonne humeur est bien ancrée dans la culture.



Le cœur de la culture du yerba maté bat dans son rituel unique. Partager la gourde entre amis et en famille, former un cercle de mate, c'est là que les liens se renforcent et que les histoires, les expériences et les idées circulent librement.

Dans ses terres d'origine, passer la gourde est un geste d'amitié, d'hospitalité et de respect.


Le yerba mate traditionnel est consommé d'une manière différente de celle que nous utilisons pour infuser du thé ou du café. Dans les pays où la yerba maté est consommée tous les jours, c'est la seule manière qui s'applique. Ceci est connu pour être le moyen le plus efficace d'extraire la plus grande quantité de nutriments et de ressentir le plein effet de l'infusion.


    Découvre la Bombilla, une paille dotée d'un filtre intégré, souvent fabriquée en métal de différentes tailles et formes. C'est un accessoire essentiel pour déguster le yerba maté de manière authentique.


    Le Yerba, un mélange harmonieux de feuilles, de poudre et de tiges de la plante Ilex Paraguariensis, est le cœur de l'infusion.


    Le terme "maté", souvent source de confusion, fait initialement référence au récipient pour l'infusion. Pour éviter toute confusion, on l'appel affectueusement la gourde, tandis que "maté" désigne également la boisson bien-aimée elle-même.


La polyvalence du yerba maté brille au-delà des méthodes traditionnelles. Que ce soit à travers des infuseurs à thé, des cafetières à piston, ou même des machines à café, il existe une manière parfaite pour chacun d'explorer et de savourer cette infusion enchanteresse.

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Yerba Mate's unique stimulating properties, compared to coffee, energy drinks, or other caffeine sources, can be attributed to its distinctive blend of active compounds and the way it interacts with the body.

Unique Composition: Yerba Mate contains a trio of xanthines: caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline. While caffeine is the primary stimulant found in coffee and many energy drinks, Yerba Mate's additional compounds, particularly theobromine (also found in chocolate), contribute to a different kind of stimulation. Theobromine is known for providing a gentler, longer-lasting boost of energy without the sharp spike and subsequent crash often associated with caffeine.

Balanced Effects: The combination of these compounds in Yerba Mate leads to a more balanced stimulating effect. Users often report a smoother, more sustained energy lift and improved mental clarity, without the jitters or anxiety that can accompany high caffeine intake from other sources. This makes Yerba Mate an excellent choice for those seeking a moderate, steady energy boost throughout the day.

Nutritional Profile: Yerba Mate is also rich in vitamins (including vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, C, and E), minerals (like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc), amino acids, and antioxidants. This complex nutritional makeup contributes to the overall effect of Yerba Mate, offering additional health benefits beyond mere stimulation. The antioxidants, for instance, can help combat oxidative stress, while the vitamins and minerals support overall bodily health.

Yerba Mate is more than just a beverage; it's a holistic health enhancer, rich in antioxidants, nutrients, caffeine, and Theobromine. Known for providing a balanced energy lift, Yerba Mate also sharpens mental focus without the typical caffeine-related side effects. Here are some key benefits:

  • Mental Clarity and Focus: Its unique blend of caffeine and Theobromine enhances cognitive functions, making it a favorite among students and professionals.
  • Natural Digestive Aid: Yerba Mate can aid digestion, making it a great beverage choice after meals or for those with digestive concerns.
  • Fitness Support: It’s a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts for its ability to increase fat oxidation and efficiency in workouts.
  • Social Connection and Ritual: Drinking Yerba Mate is often a communal activity, promoting a sense of connection and well-being, which is integral to mental health.
  • Antioxidant-Rich: High in antioxidants, Yerba Mate helps combat oxidative stress in the body, contributing to overall wellness.

Explore these and more benefits on our “The Benefits of Drinking Yerba Mate” page.

While both hailing from the world of leaves, Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) and traditional tea (Camellia Sinensis) are quite distinct. Grown exclusively in South America, Yerba Mate shares caffeine with its Asian cousin, the tea plant, but it also boasts Theobromine, found in cacao, offering a smoother, longer-lasting energy boost. Often described as having the vitality of coffee, the health benefits of green tea, and the joy of chocolate, Yerba Mate is truly unique. It's traditionally enjoyed with a gourd and bombilla (a metal filtering straw), offering an authentic experience. Learn about the joys of brewing Yerba Mate traditionally on our website.

While coffee is a beloved beverage, Yerba Mate emerges as a healthier choice, especially for your second or afternoon cup. It's less acidic than coffee, which makes it easier on the stomach, and its rich polyphenol content offers added health benefits. Yerba Mate contains Theobromine, which provides a more relaxed and prolonged energy boost, allowing you to avoid the abrupt crash that coffee can often cause. This makes it perfect for sustained afternoon productivity without disrupting your sleep patterns. Additionally, Yerba Mate's diverse range of vitamins and minerals enriches its nutritional value, making it a more nourishing alternative for your daily caffeine needs. We often suggest swapping your afternoon coffee with Yerba Mate for these reasons, ensuring a smoother, more sustained energy lift throughout the rest of your day.

Like tea and coffee, Yerba Mate contains natural caffeine. Generally, when consumed in moderation, Yerba Mate is well-tolerated and safe for most people. However, excessive consumption of caffeine, including that from Yerba Mate, can lead to certain side effects. These may include insomnia, an upset stomach, an increased heart rate, and other related symptoms. It's important to monitor your caffeine intake and adjust it according to your personal tolerance levels to enjoy the benefits of Yerba Mate without experiencing any adverse effects.

Yerba Mate may be a beneficial addition to a weight loss regimen, though it's not a standalone solution. Research suggests that it can boost fat burning, especially when paired with regular exercise. Its properties that suppress appetite and enhance metabolism can be supportive in managing weight. Furthermore, Yerba Mate may influence GLP-1, a hormone that plays a role in regulating appetite and blood sugar levels, potentially leading to healthier eating habits and effective weight management.

Yerba Mate stands apart from traditional energy drinks, offering a natural and more holistic energy boost. Unlike energy drinks that often contain a mix of high caffeine levels, sugars, and artificial additives, Yerba Mate's energizing effects come from a single active ingredient, similar to coffee and tea. This ingredient is caffeine, but it's present in more moderate amounts compared to standard energy drinks, resulting in a smoother and more sustained energy lift without the jitters or crashes often associated with energy drinks.

Additionally, Yerba Mate is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, contributing to its nutritional profile and making it a healthier alternative to synthetic energy drinks. As a single-brew beverage, it provides a natural and straightforward source of energy, akin to coffee and tea, but with a unique blend of health benefits.

For those seeking a natural energy boost along with a host of other health benefits, Yerba Mate is a superior choice compared to conventional energy drinks.

You can buy Yerba Mate Tea online on our website when you visit our product page.

Mateina Yerba Mate is also available in many food retailers all across Canada. Buy Yerba Mate in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and everywhere else in Canada today. Find more about where you can buy Yerba Mate in Canada on our store locator page.